(858)-270-0251Get Started Now
"...20, 50, 100 Points Or More When You AbsolutelyNeed A Higher Credit Score!"

Our service – test

Our Philosophy:

You can feel safe and secure knowing we’ll find an answer that will make a difference for you!

Our commitment is to service our clients to the very best of our ability. We promise to work on only the cases we know we can win and to support you in every way possible.

This guarantee benefits you tremendously, because you can rest assured you’ll get only the very best straight talk about your personal situation.

Happy family and house at sunset in a meadowFamily dreaming of their new home

Our approach to permanently resolving real estate, credit and commercial lending issues is responsible for creating new financial futures for more than 6,300 families, real estate investors and company owners across the United States.
When credit scores are lower than desired, people report feeling disappointed, unable to qualify and merely left to accept marginal terms and conditions that are far more expensive…versus having the very best interest rates and lending terms possible.

Having high credit scores feels great!

By all accounts and depending on your transaction size, having Low credit scores could cost you upwards of $200,000 to $1,000,000 or more in additional fees, rates and lender costs over a 15 – 30 year mortgage!!

ilk What would you do with an extra $200,000 – $1,000,000?

I think we can agree, that’s a substantial sum.

Like each person has uniquely different sets of finger prints, we also have varying sets of money and credit issues.

As a result, you can see that a standard solution to all issues could never exist.

Why use traditional credit repair when it could adversely effect you? This is the very reason why traditional credit repair (letter writing campaigns) often creates substantial time delays and offers no guarantees.

People committed to their goals can’t rely upon hopes and wishes. They require true solutions, not just promises.

Credit Score Training for Loan & Real Estate Professionals

Qualify 200-300% Faster, with Higher Credit Scores Save Potentially Hundreds Of Thousands of Dollars!